Nick Keys

I lived here for 1 year. Pros: The gym, location, and apartments. All of these things are pretty good - maintained well enough, updated well enough, etc. Cons: This might be wordy but I'll try to edit. My move-in wasn't great. They overcharged me a bit and I've never gotten a refund. Which is fine. It's just money, right? Any attempt to make contact about my move-in deal or other apartment issues went completely ignored and I just gave up. Because math is also hard to explain to this team and you know, the value of my time started to outweigh the costs of just over paying. Case in point: They ALSO TRIED to overcharge me a month when I moved out. Because again, math is hard. But this time, I fought hard enough to have that money refunded. Just an FYI - landlords are LEGALLY bound to return your security deposit in the state of Minnesota 3 weeks after you move out. In my case, I got my security deposit 10 weeks after I moved out. CBC was 7 weeks past their LEGAL date of return. Furthermore, I only received my deposit after I asked about it multiple times. I think if I had never followed up, they would have just kept the money. I mean, what's $1K, right? We are ALL such rich people, right? I also had a mail forwarding issue for months after I left with CBC because they told me they would work with USPS to set up my mail forwarding so I didn't have to. And then they didn't and told me they never could. So, I also really appreciate miscommunication and reneging on agreements. Other complaints mentioned that are also worth mentioning again - guests of residents don't have good parking options and can't use the gym like in other buildings. Also, cars in the parking garage were broken into at least 4 different times over the course of my stay here. Case in point: it's fine. You don't exactly get what you pay for because you might end up paying a lot but some of the pros about the neighborhood are enough to overlook some heartburn experienced.