Snow Melter

As good as the place looks when you first will look at it the worst it will get once you move in. Everyone is so nice when they want to rent this place because there is someone moving out of the place every week and it has nothing to do with the price of the place. It has everything to do with the management. They will make your life a living hell once you move in. Sure, most people who will read this review will think, ha just another idiot who did not like something and now complaining. I spent 5 years living there and every day the management will do something to piss you off. At the price they charge it should be much better service but do not expect anything once you move it. AND, try to re-new the lease 🙂 at least 15% increase. You will never get your deposit back no matter what you do. Go ahead and try your luck or do your own research. Good luck.