Carter Doolittle

The Calhoun Beach Club at 2900 Thomas Ave. S, Minneapolis MN, 55416. If you live here you will be extremely disappointed. They will steal you Amazon packages, bait and switch you on the apartment you view compared to the one they will stick you in. This may be fine if the average rent is $700/mo but the apartments here are not cheap. A 1000 Sq ft 2 bedroom is $2900 and they go as high as $11,000.00 per month for a 4000 sq ft apartment. I looked at this apartment and the appliance were just as outdated as the ones in my apartment. The security here is a joke. My neighbor in 1511 had he and his wife's 2 Trek bicycles stolen during the day and they didn't do a thing for them. This place has virtually no security. They have 1 person scheduled at a time. They leave the parking garage doors open all day most days of the week as well as the door into the building. Welcome to all the Twin City criminals. My neighbor was assaulted, choked and broken into his apartment by someone that walked right in, knocked on his door, hid, then when he opened his door, this person forced in. People that live here are professionals that drive very nice automobiles. The criminals must be well aware due to the fact that people have consistently had their cars broken into. Hard to believe but as I said, 1 security officer for 2 buildings, 2 pools, fitness center, and 300+ apartments. I had another neighbor had the tail lights stolen out of her Range Rover...God Bless. The appliances are ancient and something of a joke. These are the cheapest clothes and dishwasher you have ever seen. I have attached pictures of the lousy job the dishwasher does as well as the construction noise that has gone on for over a year with absolutely no end in sight. The water out of the tap is very dirty of which I have attached as well. Don't bother complaining to the headquarters in Denver because nothing will happen except they will try to make your life miserable for complaining. This property has had 4 General Managers in 2 years. Why? Apparently the old saying is your managers peanuts, you get monkeys. Please do not move in here without talking with the people that live here. Better yet, check their reviews. I should have done this before committing. I looked at their reviews online the other day and saw bad reviews extending back to 2003. This made me feel a little better knowing I am not the victim, just one of the victims.