Nic K.

I probably wouldn't have written a review for this place if it wasn't for the fact that I moved out almost 4 months ago and I'm still dealing with them! It's like a bad rash - can't seem to fully get rid of it. I lived here for 1 year. Okay. Pros: The gym! It's great in almost every respect - good classes, good facilities, (mostly) friendly staff. Membership is included with your rent. Annddd it's connected to the apartments which is fantastic. CBC is also next to the lakes. So that's great for the 5 months it's safe to go outside. And the apartments are beautiful. They've put a lot of work against most of the units and it's nice. BUT some CONS: This might be wordy but I'll try to edit. First of all, my move-in wasn't great. In order to receive a supposedly "fleeting" deal of 6 weeks free, I was asked to start my lease almost 2 weeks earlier than I needed to. Which wasn't ideal - but I was told left and right that if I didn't start my lease at the time they told me to, the deal would *absolutely* go away. Plot twist: it didn't! In fact, 2 days after I actually moved in, they changed the deal to 2 months free. So, for those of you doing the math, I essentially paid for an extra month I didn't need to pay for (2 weeks earlier than needed start date + additional 2 weeks free rent when the deal changed from 6 weeks to 2 months). Which is fine. It's just money, right? Who needs it! Apparently not me because I was obviously funding a responsive building management team, right!? Ha- no. Any attempt to make contact about my move-in deal or other apartment issues went completely ignored. Let me be clear - CBC got a new building manager Summer 2018 and she is fine; she is responsive, accessible, nice enough. BUT when I moved in and for the first 1/2 year of my time at CBC, the building manager straight up said to me after I spent 2 days tracking him down, "My hours are 9 or 10 to 4 on weekdays only. No weekends. I also hate answering the phone and never reply to emails." Nice. Ideal for avoiding his working residents, right? His boss was also never responsive (hi Gail!) so it might be a systematic problem in their corporate culture. Or just their version of problem solving - out of sight, out of mind. I've also had guests at CBC and I'm not really trying to start anything - but there is a woman at CBC who has treated every one of my guests she's met quite rudely. She actually asked my friend once, "Why are you sitting in this lobby if you aren't looking to rent an apartment?" Not sure what I did to her, but there's that too. I've since moved out for professional reasons although I could obviously make a case for residential reasons too. Moving out was a pain and I'm still apparently doing it. I was charged for time I didn't live at CBC because sometimes math is hard for them. They require a 60 day notice. I gave them exactly 63 days. I don't know - I guess days are hard to count out because I was still charged for an extra month past my move out. And when I tried to fix that, I was then charged for an extra week I didn't need. Which was then fixed to like, 3 days I didn't need. I mean. Why not? Again, it's just money. It then took them more than 2 months after I moved out to mail me my deposit check. But only after I asked for it a few times. I bet if I never asked, I would never have gotten it. Finally, I was told that CBC could work with USPS for my mail forwarding. And I distinctly remember asking about this just to make sure I didn't need to do anything with USPS. What's weird is I filled out about 3 different forms for them with my address and confirmed it via email. I've just been told last week that CBC "does NOT handle mail forwarding" and I am greatly mistaken. So that's nice too. I'm not sure what I was doing with all those forms and time spent confirming things but it's always great to know that I was engaging in useless but effort-filled work. There was some international mail already on the way when I left that I was hoping to have forwarded but I guess I'll never know now. Other complaints mentioned on Yelp are also worth mentioning again - guests of residents don't have good parking options and long term guests can't use the gym. Also, cars in the parking garage were broken into at least 4 different times over the course of my stay here. Case in point: it's fine. You don't exactly get what you pay for because you might end up paying a lot but some of the pros about the neighborhood are enough to overlook some heartburn experienced.