Carter D.

Looks great on the outside/ lousy on the inside. Plenty of exceptionally nice, brand new luxury apartments in the area. This property is owned by Aimco and they don't care about your complaints. The Calhoun Beach Club has fired 4 General Managers of this property in the last 4 years. That is a direct sign of how mismanaged this property is. Security - I would question if you are safe. I had my window smashed out of my car and my brief case stolen while my car is parked in the parking garage. I have had my new 4 place bike rack stolen and many other things. Police have been to the property many times in the last couple of years. The tower apartments are the newer section on the East side of the property. BUILT IN THE LAST 10 YEARS. These have had building leaks, many hot water issues, smelly water, and they have the cheapest washer/dryer, appliances, etc. The West building section is the original section and these are much better quality but no outside balcony. I have lived here 4 years and the treatment has increasing gotten worse. My rent has sky rocketed and you will pay over $3000/month for 1000 sq ft. You can do so much better elsewhere. I wish they appreciated long term tenants but they don't. Its ashame but they force people out by raising your rent on every renewal. They try for a 17% increase each time, so plan ahead. If you are streatching your budget when you move in, you won't be able to afford your next renewal. If you are thinking of moving in here be certain to ask for the detailed form for vacating and what they take from your security deposit. This will be a shock.