Andreas E.

Where to start? I moved in Winter of 2011 and there was construction equipment working on the cliff for nearly a month. It seems like the experience of other reviewers is a recurring problem. The construction equipment was extremely loud and started at early hours in the morning. As for the rent, it increased significantly after the first year. This isn't necessarily the fault of the landlord, but you should be aware that these guys are capable of increasing your rent 40%. But wait, there's more! Tiles in my shower collapsed due to moisture and were covered in a black substance. The landlord claimed that it was not mold without performing any tests and immediately disposed of the tiles. Their solution to the problem was to cover the hole in my shower with plastic. Next time I will contact a professional to test for mold instead of the landlord. It looks to me like this property is unsafe and poorly managed. My calls often go unanswered, even to the emergency hotline. Don't make the mistake I did by ignoring red flags and consider taking your business elsewhere.