Laquanza R.

My first mistake was signing a lease and moving into these apartments site unseen. After getting the run around for almost a month about my service animals, they finally gave me a lease to sign. If you like living in a box, these apartments are for you! The doors to the closets are not user friendly. They are the weird sliding mirror doors that fall off track any time you open them. The closet space and functionality also sucks. There's one rack at the top and a weird clothes rack that doesn't allow you to slide your clothes. The stove and refrigerator can't be open at the same time, that's how small the kitchenette is. There are only two outlets in the entire living area. Prepare to have surge protectors ready. Good luck on getting your service request completed in a timely manner, if ever at all. My biggest issue though, is there are no cameras in the mailroom. 5, I repeat 5 of my packages have been stolen on all separate occasions. The employees were notified on package 3, and nothing was done at all. I guess nothing can be done with no cameras. I pay over $3000/month to live in a box. Literally. Move here at your own risk.