Natalie Temnyi

If you want to sleep at night this may be the worst building to move into! I do not have a problem with the staff here or the amenities (although the new package system is odd, you gotta pay to receive your packages...sort of) I do not have a problem with my neighbors...which is mostly "fresh out of college kids" "young adults" I think the staff does their best. However, My husband and I terminated our lease early due to noise (partying/music/disco lights) pouring through our bedroom window on the 12th floor from business near by on the west side of building 3-5 nights a week EVERY WEEK! The building tried to "negotiate" with the businesses around...nothing improved. We called the police on some of the clubs around to get them to turn down the noise, the City's noise ordinance only cares about measurements made from the ground floor...not the upper levels... which can be vastly different as buildings on the ground can block sound waves but for upper levels nothing blocks these sound waves. Anyway we terminated the lease on the basis that we quite literally could not sleep and The District wants us to PAY UP 2 months worth of rent ( Which I believe I paid) and has kept our deposit. My husband and I believe our reason for termination is valid and we refuse to compensate them. They failed to provide a dwelling for us. What else reason do people need a home for other than a good night's sleep.