Dana Wise

I've got to say, I'm really bummed about what's happened to our place since AIR took over. It used to be such a great spot under Bozutto - clean, well-run, and the staff actually seemed to care about us. But now? It's like they've just stopped trying. First off, they're nickel and diming us for everything, even getting our packages is not costing $75 just to get access. Don't even get me started on the elevators. It's a coin toss whether they'll be working or not, and when they're not, it's a real headache. Everyone's crammed into one or two lifts, and it feels like nobody's in a rush to fix them. And when it comes to the fob system is a whole other story. I've been locked out so many times lately especially in the garage and the gym, because the fobs and the Smart system just don't work. It's super annoying. Honestly, it's just sad to see how much this place has gone downhill. It was more than just an apartment building to us; it was home. And it's just not living up to that at all.