Yuxuan Wang

Update: Recently I have finally received my $1k refund, at the aid of one of your agents, Grundy Andrew. He helped me a lot during the refund process. However, considering the overall experience, I will just give an average rating. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Staff, I am an incoming graduate student who applied for Room #453 at the Left Bank apartment two months ago. Here I am writing to request to return my $1,000 deposit. I am very unpleasant with the whole application experience. Two weeks after I have submitted my application, we sent several emails to our agent Aaron Wilmer to ask for the application progress. Unfortunately, none of the emails, at least 3 of them, were replied to. We thought this was understandable due to the high volume of applications and to the pandemic. One month after the application, we sent another set of emails, and all of them went into black holes. After that, we tried our best to connect with the apartment service. But, you ignored the message left on your official website; you never answer the phone calls. Even the email sent to the SUPPORTHELPDESK went into silence! One and a half months had passed, we received no leasing contract, no further instruction, nor the application progress. Lastly, with the aid of a current tenant (he texted to his agent), we finally realized that the tenants renewed the lease of Room #453. Disappointingly, you never informed us of the situation nor offered any alternatives. The main reason why we decided to apply for the Left Bank apartment was that we were satisfied with the condition of Room #453. In this case, we deem this an almost fraud-like action, very disrespectful to the applicants. Therefore, we request the Left Bank apartment to refund our deposit. I hope this email will be read and replied to. Otherwise, we may consider submitting a formal complaint to related regulatory agencies.