Nick Langley

Just wild. Toured the property mid January. Seemed like the guy touring us around was in a rush as it was later in the day. We had looked at pictures beforehand so we wanted to see all the amenities in person. As we left the apartment he showed us to the elevator, but we noticed there was a social lounge of some sort nearby so we had to let ourselves in to see it. Then, as we are about to head down the elevator we asked "isn't there a rooftop?". His reply "Oh you want to see it?".......the rooftop and social lounge could have practically sold us on the place yet the leasing agent wasn't even going to take the time to show us. Fast forward and we are told to apply to the waitlist and "connect" with the leasing agent on February 28th. February 28th comes and we send an email. Nothing back. Three emails later, nothing back. Forward the email to the property manager asking for assistance. Nothing back. Randomly receive a call from a different guy that I have never spoken to and he is saying that he has us down for a place (completely different unit that we wanted) and for April 1st (2 months earlier than we wanted). I told him what we were looking for and he said he would look into it and call me back. Here is the good part: I receive a text in early May saying "Hi, we have your lease start date as today, is that correct?" WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ALL LIVING ON? I have not signed a lease nor agreed to a unit and had not heard anything back for months! Also, you're going to text me on the supposed day of move in confirming we are moving in AND WE HAVEN'T EVEN SIGNED A LEASE YET? I'm floored. Thankfully we signed a lease elsewhere and dodged a bullet. I had better communication when I was in grade school on AIM. G2G TTYL.