Tianqi Xiong

I would give this place zero if I could. Besides the issues of broken roof, rude management, and inefficient maintenance, this place is a total ripoff. I have lived here for 10 months, and the management here billed me around $2000 unexpected cost in total. 1) public utility monthly: most of the residents are not aware of this cost when they signed the lease. It could be up to around $150 per person per month. 2) bed bug control: I had bed bug issue during my time here. Although it's likely that the bed bug issue was generated by myself, it's not impossible bed bug issue was caused by this building in general. Anyway, bed bug control personnel told me he comes here every week. I'm not the only person had the issue. The pest control staff spay the pesticide twice, and then I was billed around $440. 3) damage fee: without mentioning anything in the pre-move out inspection. I was cluelessly charged around $550 for damaging the stove. The management here photoshopped the picture proof, making the oil mark seem more serious . I have taken picture of the stove (below) on the day I move out, but the customer care just keep denying it with groundless reasons. I know 3 other residents had the same problems. In short, this is the worst place I ever rented in 5 years. From managerial studies, they charged a lot of bad profits. They seem to gain slightly more profits in the short term, but they will lose their customers forever and more revenues in the long term. Meanwhile, I urge potential renters to walk away from all the constant unwanted surprises from the terrible management who greedily suck out of your or your parents' bank account.