Kelsey Raphel

Just to be clear: i post this review only with the hope that no other college student who is already tight on money/time, or any other person for that matter, has to go through the experience i did. I don't even know where to begin... 1. The ceiling leaked orange liquid every time it rained. The mgmt was obviously aware of the problem b/c the damaged spots had been painted over before move in as we later realized. As a result, water damage and rotted wood present. I even had a neighbor who's ceiling completely collapsed as a result. Many of their belongings were ruined and they were forced out of the unit. I felt so bad for them. 2. "Common electric fees": One month my electric alone was over $150 and I had been on vacation that month with A/C and lights off!! I can't even imagine what my neighbors' bills were like. The fees were not clear and couldn't be explained by the bill. 3. There were several times when I would get an email late the night before from mgmt stating they were shutting off the water or the A/C that night. No heads up and occured during hot days during the Spring and Summer. 4. The management lied to me about renovations upon touring. A month or so after move in, I get an email that they will begin remodeling the roof and facade work. I live on the top floor so that's kind of a big deal.... CONSTANT BANGING at 9am and all throughout the day. 5. The dryer vents back into the apartment so the air quality sucks, dust everywhere (and I am a clean freak) and its evident when the filter on the A/C unit becomes filthy in less than a month. 6. The water from the tap/sink is gross. (see attached picture) 7. Centipedes, cockroaches, pill bugs; just one of many occurences. This actually didn't surprise me based on all of the water and dampness. (see attached picture) 8. Maintenance is super nice at first impression but they NEVER follow up. I had to contact the manager because no one was taking my requests seriously. She tried to make it seem like it was my fault that nobody had helped me. I brushed it off even though it was super rude. She personally contacted maintenance to inspect the leaks and water damage, in which they finally came to EXAMINE but NEVER FIXED IT even after i tried to contact them again. (attached picture, taken at move out) 8. The toilet clogged after every flush. 9. Luxer One Package System: the one year i spent living here, they charged me over $400 in fees for "holding" my packages, many times for ones I had already picked up. I called the customer service several times to tell them it was a mistake and they told me there was nothing they could do. After experiencing all problems listed above, i reached out to leasing agent, Seiyla Vonn, about moving to a different unit. She answered my first email, but as soon as she asked me why I wanted to move units, she NEVER responded and ignored all future emails. And note i couldn't have been nicer and more understanding about it at the time. She also left a "fake" review on this page during that non-responsive time. In the end, even after walking downstairs myself and talking to mgmt, nothing was ever ultimately done to help me. They would not let me out of my lease early and told me they would only charge me $1000 last month rent as a "courtesy" for my troubles and then never lived up to it. Instead i was charged the full amount even though i am not living here now. YES, it was so bad that i paid for 2 apartments this month because i couldn't take it anymore. I am a very understanding person, but this is the worst experience i've ever had and I am very disappointed that a company would do business like this. The pictures speak for themselves but don't do it justice. Every week it was a new problem or disruption, or someone unexpectedly knocking on my door to inconvenience me, not to mention the fact that they deceived me and took my money in such an untruthful way. Goodbye Left Bank, I will not miss you one bit.