Oscar Cuma

HORRIBLE. TERRIBLE. NIGHTMARE. DISGUSTING. OVERPRICED. Pick your negative adjective. Lets start with how the nee management Aimco has these lockers for packages and THEY FORCE YOU TO PAY $40 PER MONTH TO PICK UP YOUR PACKAGES. No alternative. You are stuck. Either you pay the $40 a month on top of your overpriced lease or you do not receive packages. Answer me then what is the point of living in a place with a concierge and a package room? This should be illegal. Where else in this country does it COST you money to receive your mail? The maintaining virtually non existent. The hallways have never been cleaned. A rug that was installed last year is already rotting. THEY NEVER CLEAN THE AMENITIES NOR THE HALLWAYS. The noise. Read all of the other reviews. THIS IS A GLORIFIED DORM ROOM FULL OR PARTYING COLLEGE KIDS WHERE THE APARTMENTS HAVE PAPER THIN WALLS. DO NOT LIVE HERE IF YOU HAVE LIGHT SLEEP. YOU WILL NOT SLEEP. AVOID. DO NOT EVEN CONSIDER. DO NOT EVEN TOUR THE PROPERTY. SAVE YOUR MONEY AND GO. THIS PLACE IS HELL. I AM BREAKING ME LEASE BEFORE IT END. DO. NOT. LIVE. HERE. !!!!!!!