Troy Smith

Shared experience cultivated from dozens of current residents: no sleep ever, infested by bugs and hazardous mold, constant harassment from property staff, additional nonsense charges will be added, paper thin walls where you will hear dogs barking and everything your neighbors do 24/7, harassment from scam management company. Krissy is quite possibly the most inept property manager in the area. She has turned this place into an uninhabitable frat/dog slum. The following are experienced by ALL residents in every single building: 1. You will never get sleep here. Between dogs barking all night, loud cars in the parking lot, car alarms, neighbors slamming doors, loud speakers/TV's, and parties. It sounds like you live in downtown NYC here. 2. Bugs, ants, and mold are in every single unit on this property. Management knows about it and does nothing. You will either become sick or infested by one or multiple bugs while living here. Your air filters turn black within two weeks from the hazardous mold. 3. You will be harassed by staff constantly. Either through aggressive weekly emails or directly from Krissy's completely rude, disrespectful, and unprofessional demeanor. 4. You will be charged illegal fees for any little thing they can come up with. Forced package lockers - monthly charge. Outdoor parking spots - monthly charge. Random line items on your rent they cannot explain - monthly charge. You will be paying more than when you signed your lease after moving in, guaranteed. There will be multiple fees charged to you each month that are not in your lease and cannot be explained by management/corporate. This sounds illegal doesn't it? It is. 5. All of the walls and floors are paper thin sheet rock with nothing between them. You will hear EVERYTHING around you 24/7. Every building has dozens of dogs barking all day and night and management will do nothing about it. Tenants slam doors and scream at each other at 2 a.m. nightly, management will ignore you. The property staff won't do anything, ever, for any reason. They even go out of their way to make the place worse. For example, taking away 2/3 of the chairs at the pool for no reason. Now there are far too few chairs and it feels like a hotel where you need to be there early in the morning to get one of them otherwise they will be unavailable. Completely ridiculous and moronic decisions like this happen over and over here. 6. AIR communities is a scam company who turns their properties into expensive slums by stripping amenities and charging for every little thing they can. All you have to do is read the lease and you will quickly realize how much of a scam they are. Everything is vague for tenants and worded exclusively in their favor. Nothing is specific so they can skew everything in their favor (and they do for all residents now and will for anyone unfortunate enough to move into this dump). This place is WAY overpriced for what is provided and the experience you are forced to endure. If you have ever taken another person's experience into account when making a decision in life, take the above combined and joint experience of all of the residents who have lived here and left. Avoid this apartment and you will be much happier in every aspect of your life.