Lauren Corsetto

Not really sure where to begin. My husband and I moved in when this complex was brand new.. around January 2022. The company that used to own it was great. Super friendly front desk, easy to get ahold of someone (it's very difficult if not impossible to get ahold of someone in the office there via phone or in person now..). Then it got bought out by the current company that owns it: AIR Communities. Rough transition. There was no management there through the hurricane. When Category 5 Hurricane Ian hit, we were unable to pay our rent. We had no power for days, our work couldn't pay us, so we were a few days late on rent. AIR communities waived our late fee. Fast forward to next year March 2023, my husband and I had just gotten married. We were out of the country on our honeymoon and were a couple days late on rent. They were unable to waive the late fee for us because we had already used our one time late fee waiver during the literal natural disaster that destroyed Lee County. My husband and I both contacted several people about this and ultimately we were not able to waive the late fee. We were shocked they even counted that late fee during the Hurricane.. There should have been no late fees to begin with when there is a CAT 5 HURRICANE and the complex didn't have power for DAYS. They absolutely refused to budge on this. We recently closed on our house which is a very exciting time in our lives. We gave 2 weeks notice we were leaving. We weren't sure when we were moving out because house buying is a chaotic process... we had no idea when we would be moving out of the apartment and into our new home. We ultimately ended up doing a "quick close" which left us with little time to give the complex notice. We were under the impression we just had to pay 2 months of rent and we were out of the contract, so we didn't think short notice would be a problem at all. We did not know you have to give 60 days notice.. Once again, even after explaining our situation they wanted to charge us over $8k to leave and absolutely refused to budge except to offer us a payment plan. I hired a lawyer who sent them a letter, and they recently contacted us to settle for the original amount (2 months rent). They never said anything about our lawyer.. so I'm assuming they got the letter? The whole thing put us through an INSANE amount of stress and anxiety wondering how we would come up with thousands of dollars after just purchasing a new home. AIR communities CEO is a Catholic man who talks about ethics and serving their neighborhoods on their company website. Unfortunately when I've dealt with AIR communities about various issues they have been anything but ethical and absolutely are not understanding.. It just goes to show these CEOs make these big statements but don't actually embody them through their operations. Really disappointing. The apartment itself, I loved minus the lack of storage space. There's literally no where to store your suitcases, vacuum and mop except your bedroom closet. There are dogs here (pit bulls, Doberman, Rottweiler etc) that are stated on the apartment website as not allowed.. people wait until night to walk them so that management doesn't see. The pool area and walking path and the facility itself are very nice with great proximity to Coconut Point.