Ever since management changed mid-2022, the overall quality has seriously declined. To be paying such a ridiculously high price for "luxury apartment living" when the basics are not even met is a complete waste. A few points: - Clean place to live? No. Dog feces and actual trash debris all over the grass and around the property- trash I have seen for 3 months and counting. Unkept dog park. Debris and broken tile in elevators. More debris in garages and walkways. - Great service? Nope. Unable to reach anyone quickly by phone or email. You have to call the auto bot, select a number, and leave voicemails. Emails unanswered for days and days until a second attempt is made. Property managers keep leaving/changing. - Clean, functioning gym? Not always. Equipment is not well kept. Ripped seats on weight machines. Non-engaging leg press. Occasional AC outage. - Neighbor had their locked bike stolen from the bike rack? Yep. - Fun food truck nights and free drink machines in the main office? Gone with the new management. - Thick walls? Nope. Can hear neighbor's microwave loud and clear. - Astronomical prices and rent increase completely disproportionate to the low quality and value you're getting? Absolutely. I have spoken with several other neighbors who are have voiced their intent to not renew their leases because they are not happy with the complex's poor cleanliness, amenities, and overall value and the lack of care management has for all of it.