Ellen Rieder

Roomy apartments with good closet space. wonderful location for walking access and public transport to much of the city.The best maintenance team always at the ready. Aside from rooftop area with a summertime swimming pool, there are no amenities for social activities. The promenade and sidewalk in front of the building are dirty with food and drink spills, dog feces and sometimes human feces that are not power washed, Trash is not regularly swept, broken tileson one of the ramps have been cracked and broken for months and never replaced, just tossed at the bottom of a tree bed. There are frequent serious leaks from broken pipes. Concierge turnover has decreased but still new people appear but their training for interacting with residents and noting the identity of who comes and goes is lacking consistency. The situation with package deliveries is not acceptable and is so voluminous in nature, it necessitates that concierges must leave their post and sort and search to put away boxes and to help residents find delivered boxes. This presents a security issue. The parking garage under the apartment building is not owned by the Sterling, and there is no elevator access to it. There are many very pleasant and responsible residents in the 500 units, but there is a great deal of turnover because of student semester schedules and therefore a lack of adherence to trash and non-smoking rules, and announcing visitors for security purposes that management repeatedly sends emails to remind residents about.