Tom Pierce

Cons far out weigh Pros. The management of The Sterling would mess up a two car parade. Any positive rating on this building must have been orchestrated by the staff. Pros- Pool (however you are only allowed to bring 1 guest up there) and location. Cons- 1) Attitude of the management-They are terrible at communicating everything, both in content and timing. It is understandable that things break and need to be fixed. However, what makes this building different is that things break, and they will choose the cheapest option possible to fix it, which in turn breaks again and again. Then the management will have a response towards you that you just need to deal with it. 2) Constant Construction Noise-. There is constant hammering and drilling all day, 6 days a week (and yes Saturdays) sometimes from 8am-6pm from floors being renovated. They are doing two floors every 6 months. Also, there is a Comcast building being built on one side of the building. It will not be completed until 2017, and is a massive construction operation. There is no temporary rent compensation for this. 3) Water and Electric Out- About three times a month the water and electricity is shut off for an entire day for construction which is done in the building for next few years! A note is slipped under your door 1-2 days before hand telling you it will be done, and that you will not be compensated because it is in the 100 page lease that you signed. 4) Cockroaches- The building is filled with cockroaches, I kept finding them in my apt. Exterminator came up. He told me there must be billions, and yes billions, of cockroaches living in the ceiling between the 4th and 5th floor. And that the management isn't taking the steps to rid the building of them because its too expensive. 5) Group Utility Pricing- The only individually metered utility is electric, therefore the gas, water, heating, insect etc monthly utility bills are divided by total residents in the building. So if you don't use a lot of one utility expect to still pay $70 a month for water because you need to pay for everyone else. Not to mention all the common areas, hallways, lobby etc. And the $10.00 a month maintenance for all utilities, still don't know what that is. Just pile it all on. 6) Elevators-The elevators break extremely frequently, all four passenger elevators have not worked at the same time in over 2 years. And when you do get an elevator is usually filled with construction workers. 7) Renovated Apartments.- The renovated apartments which they are pushing are made up with the cheapest appliances and material possible. Literally, a former leasing agent told me they bought "defective" appliances from a GE warehouse because they were cheaper. That means all of the appliances in the new apartments were formerly owned then returned to manufacturer because they broke, then that crap was bought AIMCO for a cheap price! Literally, the perfect example of their cheapness. It does look nice from about 10 feet away. 8) Price- Even if you move in and are satisfied with your rent payment. It is not uncommon for them to up the rent payment the next term substantially without any changes to your apartment. 9) Fire alarms are faulty and they are too cheap to replace the system, false alarms go off once a week. So much that if there were ever a real fire no one would believe it. I could go on and on with more examples, but the management will deliver the cheapest and short-sided apartment living possible while charging "luxury" apartment pricing. They make solid attempts to seem pro-active and professional like responding to peoples complaints on here, and saying someone will reach out. But trust me they are anything but pro-active and professionals. I have always questioned reviews because you see some positive/negative and get confused. But all the other negative comments on here are spot on. I think the management must pay tenants $50 off rent to write reviews or does it themselves.