Madeline B

I am very disappointed with my experience to say the least. I moved here two months ago and we have been woken up in the middle of the night 6 times from false fire alarms going off. We have contacted management several times to resolve the issue and still nothing happens. It is very evident that they do not care, their only concern is signing more tenants. There is also a MAJOR elevator issue. There has not been one day since I moved here all three elevators worked properly. The lack of communication is unacceptable. It is not normal to wait 15-20 minutes every time you leave your apartment for the elevator. When it does come there are so many people stuffed in that it is a major safety concern and again, management simply does not care. This is one of the only "higher-end" buildings in the area that does not 24/7 security. The lack of safety is very alarming. If you have an emergency or issue outside of office hours, there is simply no one to contact. They tell you to text a bot which pretty much does not understand anything, so it is useless. The garage doors are almost always broken also which results in another security issue. They are almost always open which has resulted in car thefts and people roaming the hallways that are not tenants. Again, another security issue that they do not care about. This is a massive dog building which is an issue because the walls and doors are paper thin. Be prepared to hear your neighbors all the time. The building also does not keep up with the cleanliness and with having so many dogs live here, expect pee in the elevators and all over the sidewalks. There are also all these added fees to your monthly rent which no other building I have lived in charges for. They are simply here to nickel and dime you. The amount of money we pay in rent does not equate to the service we are receiving. We are very disappointed that we signed an 18 month lease here. I highly recommend not living here.