1) The elevators work about 30% of the time. It's not unusual to wait 15-20 mins to get to the garage from your floor, with everyone squeezing in on the only elevator that may be working. They often malfunction in a scary way (e.g randomly stops and shakes violently). 2) Management only provides a notification that something happened and ETA for issues to be fixed 25% of the time. 3) The garage door is often broken and at times is left broken for weeks, leaving it open for anyone to access the garage and therefore all apartments. 4) There has been car theft from the "secured" garage. 5) There have been homeless people found to be living in the building due to how easy it is to access it. Residents had to call the police to remove them. The police was surprised that there is an entrance that is completely open to anyone from the street. 6) The building is not secure, despite what management will claim. A resident's security code will work to access every single floor. Why? 7) There is no security staff. 8) They have a lot of supposed rules, but no staff to enforce them. Crazy loud parties at the pool over the weekend, non-stop smoking wafting into your apartment (despite them calling themselves a non smoking building). 9) Concerns brought to the attention of management are ignored. I've filed complaints (including issues related to safety) and have never gotten any type of response. 10) There is no staff to deal with emergencies outside of the leasing office business hours. They direct you to a text bot that will file a ticket for you. 11) Some of the positive reviews on here are from Air Communities staffers (the property management company).