Sarah Lurvey

Lived there for a year, while the view and space are incredible, the amenities they advertise are not as advertised. In fact, basic amenities like a working fridge, running water, or functioning AC are things you cannot expect in this place. During my year, you could count on at least once a week problems with the AC, and at one point it was shut off for the entire building for over a week to replace a cooling tower. After this was replaced, problems and interrupted service were the norm, similarly you can expect your water shut off at random intervals for repairs. They are in the process of redoing the floors throughout the entire building, there are daily emails about what floor the noise will be on, unfortunately due to the nature of noise conduction through concrete structures, you can expect daily jackhammering. For hours. Additionally I was warned that they would try to take my security deposit of $1k so I had the apartment professionally cleaned, patched all holes etc and was somehow still charged a myriad of odd charges that miraculously totaled $1k, a little coincidental, no? Finally, the entire reason I even moved was because my boyfriend and I put in applications to add him to the lease, which apparently needed an entirely new apartment application, which we filed on July 1. On July 17th having heard nothing from anyone and after making several attempts to contact the company and building manager, they withdrew over 7k from my bank account for "market value" of the apartment since we had not submitted applications. The applications that they charged us $100 each for and those payments went through. After 6 hours on the phone with the company who is based out of Colorado (?) I realized that getting anyone intelligent or incorrupt was an exercise in futility, and decided to move. Now it appears I will lose the security deposit through further corruption. I have asked for an itemized list for things on my "final bill" which after a month has not been produced. Avoid this place.