James Keeble

The apartments are big and spacious. The people that work at the building are very nice. They come to assist you whenever a service request is made. Generally, there is a kind environment, friendly staff and good neighbors! However, I work from home and basically I was looking for a place where I can use the business center. The problem here is that they haven't paid the internet for the common areas since December 2015. Every time I go to the main office to talk about it, they said "there is nothing we can do, because corporate is taking care of this issue". Also, there are two constructions on site. There is one in front where they have a special permit to work nights (starting 1am) and weekends. The other construction is at "The Mark" the building right next to this one. The work is not at night or weekends but before we moved they assured us that the work would be done by October 2015. It's almost a year since then and the work on the Mark is not complete yet. Moreover, I've been renting for other companies like Pinnacle- Stuart Co. If you move to a property within the same Company building, the transfer is automatic. However, for Aimco if you want to move to another unit within the same building, you have to apply again and pay the application fees AGAIN. It does not count that you made your monthly rent payments on time or the fact that there are cero complains regarding your behavior in the building. This just seems like another excuse to take money from you. Also, beware if you want to leave you need to give 60 days' in advance notice. If not, they will charge an extra month plus the increase on rent for the unit and around $400 for the month to month lease. This does not count that you give the 60 day's notice on time, considering moving to other unit within the building away from the construction, until learning about the reapplication process thus we decided to cancel. Here in Miami, realtors suggest no more than 30 days to run a search because the market moves very fast, this makes it crazy to give a 60 day notice if you don't know were you will move! Therefore, despite the old appliances, construction work and noise that doesn't stop on weekends and nights, the balcony is covered with cement and dust all the time, but still they will increase $130 of rent for the next year. The staff is great and try to help; however, the Company and its policies are not clear and sadly it feels like they are focused in taking advantage of the renters. Beware before moving, the staff is not clear regarding a lot of the situations going on here. The balcony is a useless space that you would be paying extra for... sound and air contamination are terrible. We would have expected more consideration from the Company but money seems to be their main concern...