Jesus M.

KARLA HORRIBLE PERSON , I just moved out of the yacht club BE CARFUL ,KARLA very starlight forward person and seems very professional but LIES I had to move out because I was having problems with my cousin and spoke to her and explained , she then said that she would try to rent it out with out no penalty and I would get my money back deposit and I moved out oct 4 the remaining of the month I would get back never the less I get a bill saying that I owe 1500 plus I won't get money back she will probably say otherwise anther thing I receive a month and half for free witch if she would have said it from the beginning but never explained Kara Hispanic Peruvian women and also Anne has supported her on everything even thought she told her that she did lie and I very signed or have acknowledge on the addendum PLEASE BE CAFUL KARLA AND ALSO ANNE SHE WILL YOU MOVE IN AND EVERYTHING AND THEN TRY TO IGNORE YOU AFTER