Cait H.

Tremont was great until Aimco purchased the building. I lived here for over 3 years, but moved out due to the sharp rise in crime and incompetency of the new management company. In the first 2 years I lived here, there were 0 apartment break-ins. From December to April (Aimco purchased in November) there were 6, maybe 7. (Aimco wouldn't verify for me and bold face lied at one point about it, but the Atlanta PD keeps records- imagine that!) I wouldn't live here while Aimco is in charge. I did love Tremont...before Aimco. The 3 lights in the parking deck next to my space were out for 2 months. At one point, the staff told me that safety was not their concern or priority. A slip of the tongue, but absolutely true. They also are only "pet friendly" if you don't mind living in dog-poop infested outdoor areas and your dog getting a parasite- one was passed around a lot of dogs in the building bc hardly anyone picked up after themselves and management didn't care.