Nick Russo

Extremely disappointed and dissatisfied with Vaughan Place. Moved from NJ to DC in August 2021 and noticed the first red flag when at move-in, I could not get my wireless router because the desk staff was overwhelmed with packages (all the while I could see the router behind the desk). This continued to happen through my lease with the high turnover rate of staff and inefficiency of handling packages. I also had many packages lost/was notified of other packages that weren't mine because the staff did not want to check the name/apartment number to ensure packages were being delivered to the right place. Second red flag - no one could get into the parking lot because concierge never opened the gate for guests/Ubers/etc. so I had to always go out and let them in and let them out. Third red flag - work orders that were submitted had instructions/specific requests to follow and they were overlooked or ignored. Fourth red flag - new management company came in around October 2021 and wanted to increase my rent on a one bed, one bath at lease renewal by more than 20% and with no solid justification. Sorry, this place was NOT worth a rent hike by that much, particularly with the mismanagement of the property. Additionally, when asked to have someone from management adjust the increase to potentially keep me as a tenant, I was promised a call back and guidance and never heard back. Fifth red flag - the gym was advertised as having "state of the art equipment" why was almost every machine broken? Final red flag - when I thankfully moved out in February 2022, I cleaned the apartment and made sure everything was ready to go for the next tenant. Sadly, I was charged $150 for a cleaning fee because "regardless if you cleaned it, a professional, outside company has to come in and clean it." There was no transparency in this and whether or not this was an option to utilize, otherwise I wouldn't have cleaned the apartment. Overall, if I could do this all again, knowing what I know now, I would NEVER move to Vaughan Place...and glad I left when I did!