Melissa B

PAY MORE, GET LESS! This should be the official motto for Washington, D.C.'s Vaughan Place and owner AIR Communities, where: *rent keeps going up, up, up *services keep going down, down, down Live here knowing the frustrations will begin the second you need anything, ever. Will you ever get the package you ordered? Maybe, maybe not...and don't count on anyone who works here caring. Per my fellow residents (because good luck getting ahold of management), Vaughan Place has outsourced its package "service" - so instead of helping you find the package they lost, they'll hand you contact info for an outside company and tell you to figure it out on your own. Need help with something else? Too bad. The people who work the front desk (with one exception) Just. Don't. Care. Or they're temps, and no one bothered to tell them where anything is. Get used to hearing "sorry, I don't know." Or, "try coming back tomorrow" (so it's someone else's problem). Particularly annoying is non-access to the fitness room; this amenity may be included as part of the steep price of living at Vaughan Place, but you probably won't be able to use it. Why? Because you need a special fob, which is fine, except that nobody at the front/concierge desk (which is actually in charge of the fobs) knows where they are, and there's no one they can ask. Sometimes, when they really dig, they'll finally find a fob but - guess what? It doesn't work. (Granted, I only tried five or six times; maybe the seventh would've been a charm.) These are just a few examples. Come live here and find out the meaning of utter and complete incompetence for yourself. An exception to the almost non-existent management and poor service: the maintenance staff, which seems to be doing its best under remarkably shoddy management. Pity. Vaughan Place had some issues before "AIR Communities" took over, but this level of apathy is absurd. And no excuses for new management "getting the kinks out" - unless the allotted "grace period" is forever. Come to think of it, the name of the new management/owner - "AIR Communities" - is incredibly self-descriptive: Any help or assistance you need air. Invisible.