Meghan Dimsa

For objectivity & not included are multiple attempts to get correct pricing and consistent information from the office 3/25 Good afternoon! We would now like to move forward with a full application and deposit refund. Please let me know what we need to do to get that completed, preferable today (Monday). Thank you so much! Meg 3/25 Hi Meghan, Thank you for your email. I'm sorry to hear that you wish to cancel your application. I can process your refund today but it would only be in the amount of $450.00. The application fee is non-refundable. Please confirm that you wish to cancel your application at our community 3/25 Nichole, Unfortunately, we are sorry as well. This was not our ideal but as it stands, we cannot get anything consistent from your office. Thus, we are left with nothing more to do than move forward elsewhere. I am happy to speak with your supervisor - this was not due to a simple change of mind, but instead inefficient processes, conflicting information, and an overall inconvenience leading me to continually contact the office for a lease. The hardest money we ever intended to spend. Please process the full refund to include the application fee (there are extenuating circumstances and I would include this as one since the error was not on our end). I am very happy to talk with you, corporate, or the individual of your preference as this was not merely a mind change as noted above. I am happy to elaborate on my concerns as it relates to the 1. Overall process, 2. Inconsistent communication from multiple parties 3. The delay and 4. How a company might consider various customer service improvements. I thank you for your time and look forward to seeing the full refund amount ($500.00) and/or, I am happy to speak with another individual. Thank you so much! 3/27 Dear Nichole, I have not yet heard back regarding the below or received a call from anyone at the office. This is a friendly follow-up to again revisit. Please let me know when the $500 refund will be initiated (if that happened already I will keep an eye out for the refund post). Alternatively, please let me know who I should speak with to close this matter. Meg 3/29 Hello Nichole, This marks my third follow-up. Please advise when that refund will post. Or, when I might expect to hear from someone regarding the matter. It seems the next in line is the Community Manager. I look forward to a response. Meg Hi Meghan, Thank you for your email. I am little surprised by the tone of your email. Our office has gone above and beyond to assist you with your short term rental needs. I was in meetings yesterday which prevented me from following up with you. Normally our application fee is non-refundable. But after discussing your situation with my manager, she has agreed to refund your entire payment in the amount of $500.00. The refund was submitted to the accountant for processing on Wednesday. You should expect the refund to be credited to your account within 5-7 business days. Please let me know if we are able to assist you further. Have a wonderful weekend. Hi Nichole, I thank you for your response. As you know, the interpretation of tone is subjective - my correspondence is nothing other than a third attempt to close out business with you directly. In fact, I/we have been extremely patient and with that, I will address your notation of "above and beyond" for your internal records. My wife (cc'd) was with me during the initial visit and present on all phone calls. I do regret that we saw the exact opposite - conflicting information, misinformation, unprocessable applications, no lease to even review, and my continuous need to follow-up for any type of response. Thus, the former led me to pursue and secure a short-term lease at another property (that took two days). We are thrilled with the proactive service there, and it is a much better fit for all. We will look for the refund to be posted in the full amount, this email is simply for your records, and I will gladly complete an online review. Likewise - I wish you all a wonderful weekend