Lisa M

Do NOT move here. It's very nice from the outside, but once you commit long-term lease (i.e. 12 or 14 month), you're stuck and everything starts going awry. There are of course some nice things about living here. I will list those first: 1.) The neighbors are respectful and quiet 2.) Everyone except one individual in the leasing office is very nice (said individual is always extremely rude and always gives much attitude) 3.) If you live in the main building (which we didn't) the front desk staff is really sweet and all the mail room staff is also very friendly 4.) The pool is nice (although it would be nice if it were open for more than three months) 5.) The shuttle service to the metro is very convenient The bad: 1.) We live in one of the smaller buildings that's not connected to the big building. There are two doors to get, but the first is always unlocked. The second door is SUPPOSED to be locked at all times, but often times is not. 2.) When we moved in I read on yelp about a break-in, and it's very clear from our front door that someone had tried to shimmy their way into our apartment as well. The signs of forced entry are obvious (we also noticed similar ones on a neighbor's door), which definitely does not make me feel safe. 3.) Recently, our ceiling started to crack and it's always really humid in the apartment. (Management had maintenance fix it; we just hope it doesn't happen again.) 4.) The first week we lived there while my husband was home, a stranger tried to unlock our door. My husband was startled because our door was clearly locked, and then the stranger just walked into our apartment, looked at my husband, and walked back out! I reported this to the leasing office in August when we first moved in, and they emailed me back and assured me this never happens and asked me for more information. I emailed them back with the information and never heard from them again. In February after we complained again, the leasing office finally got back to us. They said that they looked into it and that the man who walked into our apartment could not have been a member of their staff (which is dubious, but even if true, is problematic in that there's random people with keys to the apartments). They also said they have never had any break ins before which is a clear lie because of said dent which we luckily took a photo of, and someone on Yelp also wrote they had an issue with a break in. THEN they told me that they followed up with me via email about the intruder issue back in August. I looked through all of my emails and told them I never got a reply about this. Then the leasing office changed their stance and said that they CALLED us about the issue weeks later. We checked our call logs (thanks Sprint!) and there was no call made. Then they suggested that maybe we left our door unlocked and someone just "pushed" it open. We NEVER leave our door unlocked. We live in a small studio and pay over $1800 a month for this supposed "luxury residence." There is nothing luxurious about this studio. From the shimmied door, to the cracked ceiling, to the highly unsatisfactory way we were treated by the leasing manager, I don't think paying $1800 is worth this headache and hassle. If privacy, security, and getting your money's worth matters to you, we are sure you can find a better place to live.