Maggie V.

Quick update-- you'll see that Nichole commented below to promise a member of the team would follow up. As I said in the review, these comments are the norm, but rest assured no one ever contacted me about this review. Management posts those comments solely to dupe prospective tenants into thinking they take these reviews seriously. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My fiance and I have lived in one of the townhouse units since June 2019 and it's been a challenging experience to say the least. Sadly, we have about a year left on the two-year lease we were stupid enough to fall for. First off-- the pros. We have a two-level unit with both a full and half bath, and for what we pay it's a really nice amount of space. Two-level apartment units are almost impossible to find in DC, and having a half-bath is incredibly helpful. We also have a beautiful bay window, and I think the kitchen is well sized for two people. The gym and pool are also clean, spacious and well-maintained. Unit aside, this is far and away the most poorly-managed establishment of any kind I have ever encountered. If you live in the townhouses, you have to go to the main tower to receive packages. This is totally fine with Aaron is working, but if he's off or on a break you absolutely, under no circumstances will not be able to collect your mail. There have been times I have waited for 30+ minutes as front desk staff tried to find packages for me, and then returned later on only to have Aaron locate the parcel in a minute or less. This is just a waste of everyone's time, and the front desk staff needs to be trained to perform this most rudimentary of tasks. Maintenance is also a complete and utter joke. We've had a laundry list of issues since moving in-- our washer and dryer have both broken, our downstairs toilet flooded, our sink flooded, our AC malfunctioned (for THIRTEEN days in JUNE), filters have needed replacement, and we've had persistent issues with ants and roaches-- and none have been resolved in any less than 5 days. The online portal where residents submit maintenance requests is unreliable at best, and on several instances we've had worked marked as being "completed" that never happened... leading to days of runaround with management to get the issues resolved. We've also received calls from staff asking when they can come to perform maintenance that was completed weeks, or even months, earlier. [All that said, it's worth noting that AJ in maintenance is really nice and does his best to help. I think he's just limited in what he can do because of his bosses. And the actual techs who come to help fix things are very professional and kind!] The walls in the townhouses are also very thin, so if you're unlucky enough to have inconsiderate neighbors it can be a living nightmare. Every tenant in our townhouse has called the front desk to report a particular couple who are disruptive to everyone else in the building and nothing has ever been done about it. It's really luck of the draw, but unfortunately we deal with a lot of marijuana smoke, vacuuming at 2 a.m. and two really loud, barky dogs. If you look up Vaughan Place on any review platform (here, Google,, etc.) you'll see "replies" from building management. The "number" they ask reviewers to call is just the front desk of the main building. The front desk staff won't connect you to management for ANY reason, so these comments are total farces meant to make the building look better to prospective residents. Most, frankly, are just copied-and-pasted. I saw so many of these reviews before moving here, and I fell for the "concerned management" act I thought I saw demonstrated through the comments asking reviewers for follow up. Please, save yourself an enormous headache and don't fall for it. There are so many great apartment complexes available in this same area that are in the same price range and actually offer genuine, caring and responsible management. And to Nichole, who I am sure will "respond" to this asking me to follow up with her, please feel free to contact me directly through one of the numerous emails I have sent you. I would love nothing more than to connect with you directly.