Ron J.

I've never wrote a review but living here is so bad I have to write one. I've lived here for the past year and a half and do not recommend here at all. From all the places I've lived in the past 6 years (about 5 places) in DC this is 100% without a doubt the worst one. Even the discussion board where tenants can post to each other if we're selling things, issues etc all of a sudden recently has been changed to where posts have to be "approved" by management cause it was full of us tenants posting how we're tired of the MANY issues here and want change and posts haven't even been approved since August 3rd so they've left us with no way to communicate to each other. Rodents, Rats, Ants, lost packages with no refunds, very awful gym/weight room that they claim is "state of the art" with lost weights and many many many more issues. Regarding the rats, all they do is bring some guy to your apartment and all he does is just put a couple little pieces of rat poison which does nothing and they don't address the actual issue of just putting pesticide around the apartment building. I don't need a "response from owner" I'm just recommending ANYONE that considers living here, do yourself a huge favor and DON'T. Trust me, you'll regret it like I do.