Em D.

I've lived at the Vaughn Place (low-rise) for about a year now. Here's my honest oppinion: Pros: - gorgeous apartments - modern appliances - community vibe - great location - nice pool - friendly staff Cons: - the walls are PAPER thin! I mean I can literally hear my next door neighbor laugh and the little dog barking across the hall from me. I didn't even know walls were even made this thin! - I had a pretty big ant problem! The exterminator came and sprayed but the ants never went away. It took me spraying constantlyyyyy to finally be 'ant free.' I have a funny feeling once the weather gets warmer, the little critters will be back.... - Street parking can be a HUGE pain in the butt if you choose not to pay the extra $$ for a parking spot. Many of nights i spend a good 15-20 mins looking for parking. I do enjoy living here but the paper thin walls are a HUGE turnoff for me. Who wants to hear their neighbors conversation or the dog barking across the hall? I actually think my college dorm room had thicker walls then this place. Ugh... I love everything else but hearing every little detail. They shouldn't be charging the amount they do for rent when the walls are as thin as they are ... I was contemplating giving 2 stars because of the sound situation but I decided on 3 because the apartments ARE really nice!