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Save yourself a headache and the disgusting drainage and water problems. There are roaches and rats everywhere and there's a possible disease issue and when you complain, the staff blames the tenants for their poor dumpster placement and maintenance. The reception people are very nice but management doesn't communicate with anyone so they can't do their jobs as well as they could. Maintenance is awful, tasks are left incomplete, or half way done then never return. Maintenance or lack thereof violate various building and health codes. We saw one of our neighbors had to putting out a fire where the a/c units are right outside. After signing a lease, we were warned by Mona not to drink the water, and she was right. The water in the building is undrinkable and is frequently shut off and always has a strong smell. They advertise all units having a fireplace, but they are not usable for heat, so during the winter, a thermostat set at 69/70 is roughly 200 a month., Management only responds to reviews here, but when you call, they don't call back, address the issue nor communicate with tenant. They call this a luxury apartment, which leads me to believe that D.C. has the lowest standards in the country. Vaughan Place is not only gross, but violates the general codes that are in place for safety. Try Mclean Gardens across the street, it seems better maintained and the residents seem happier