Jennifer B.

When I first moved in, I noticed ants in the kitchen and closet areas and asked them to send the exterminator. He sprayed almost all the walls of the apartment, including behind the stove, but the ants still came back, one by one. I found a couple on the windowsills (two of which are sealed shut, I found out why later) and still by the closet and around the "bedroom" nook of the studio. I also was seeing centipedes -- 4 in two weeks, including one of the giant ones you never hope comes into your house. So I requested that the exterminator come out again. He did and used different chemicals for the ants than the first guy, which struck me as odd for employees of the same company. Two days later, a swarm of ants appeared on the windowsill next to my bed -- there must have been 50 of them (the one window that wasn't sealed shut). That was the last straw for me, and called the Manager of Capital Properties, who said she would "give me a deal" if I broke my lease, only charging me for half of one month's rent, not whole. She took 4 days to get back to me, and while on the phone, tried to blame me for the bug problem, saying that maybe I brought them in with me. She also said that this "was not a big problem," to which I responded, "what is your idea of a big problem?" I have been spraying every inch of my apartment with Raid and have not had the exterminator come back. Additionally, in the first month of living here, there was a break-in. One resident in my building (which is one of the outlying buildings, not the tower) left their door unlocked and someone came in and stole electronics. My problems with this are: they claim that the building is safe, it's buried in the complex and it has cameras at every entrance and all over the gym. The possibilities are: someone living in my building is a thief; someone got in and was trolling the hallways looking for unlocked doors; or the maintenance guys saw them leave and took advantage. No matter, it's incredibly unsettling for all of this to have taken place in a "luxury" complex. I've lived in two luxury complexes and NEVER experienced the things I experienced here. I've never even experienced these things at any place I've lived before, luxury or not. If I'm going to be paying this much money, I'm not going to waste it here. (Written in September of 2011)