R J.

Alrighty, if you have read my other posts you will already know of my displeasure with this company, but what they did this morning is the icing on the cake! I was speaking with a good friend of mine in the building here and it seems that the accounting practices of this company are less than stellar, as are their communication skills. This person was summoned to COURT because they are telling this person that they are owed rent which has not been paid. There was NO previous communication from the management office.... NOTHING. And it came in the MAIL. Which is NOT VAID BY DC LAWS. The summons must be delivered BY HAND to the tenant, it can't even be sent by certified mail. So.... the attorney Vaughan Place, LLC has on retainer is quite nice, but because they have not provided him with any documentation to those tenants who end up in court, every case is extended. This resident has not been given a signed/countersigned lease in over 2 years and the management company, Capital Properties has not given this person any chance to try and make this right.... be warned and stay away!