Chelsea Frei

I am a relatively new resident to the Villas at Park La Brea. After weeks of construction and disrespect from the staff, I am at least relieved to have found a place (Google Reviews) where other residents are expressing their concerns and opinions on this disastrous situation. Clearly, this construction is not something "everyone wants", as we have been told on countless occasions when we complain. We were told this place had amazing amenities, and as two young women who work from home the apartment seemed like a perfect set up. Over the last month the pool has been closed due to construction. Not only is the pool closed, but the surrounding tables and chairs, which means besides a small common room and one or two office spaces there is no communal room - the amenities of the property make our rent higher, so to lose these for half a month, should be accommodated. And then came the apartment unit construction. With maybe just a few days notice, our apartment became a full construction zone, and all for something that would absolutely NOT benefit us in the slightest. I see another review below where the owners commented saying they were "offering washer and dryer installation". This is FALSE. It was mandatory for every single apartment unit to receive a set up, because it was clearly cheaper and easier for management to do it all at once. When myself and my roommate expressed our concerns and anger, we were told not to worry, as the apartment would still be livable during the day while the workers were there. As you can see in the picture below, our entire living room is completely covered, not to mention all of our furniture (which we usually use to work from home between the hours of 8-5) is moved and covered. I cannot even believe that management thinks it's okay to not compensate at LEAST half the rent for the month, seeing as this project is going on for 12 business days, meaning our furniture needs to be moved and out of the way for their construction well over half the month. But the most concerning thing of all, was that after my roommate came home one day after construction had taken place from 8-5, she found our porch door wide open, unlocked. While we are on the second floor, someone could easily get to our porch and come into our apartment. In fact, while we were touring the unit we were told to make sure the porch "always stays locked". As two young women, this is not only terrifying but so disrespectful of our property. I am beyond disappointed with the last month, and I've never felt so taken advantage of by a rental company.