Krystal T.

We met with Adam Schultz from Aimco to "resolve" the construction/DOUBLE GAS LEAK/NIGHTMARE on Wednesday. He was the most RUDE, ARROGANT, AND CONDESCENDING human being I have ever had the DISPLEASURE sitting across from. He did not offer ONE solution to the list of 30 problems we had during this construction fiasco except: "I'm SORRY YOU FELT THAT WAY". As if THAT was not infuriating enough, we were then met with a letter on our door stating we were VERBALLY ABUSIVE AND THREATENING IN OUR MEETING with him and Christy. I am APPALLED at this ENTIRE OPERATION, let alone THIS?!?!?!?? We have been given the run around for WEEKS. We FINALLY thought we were going to get some kind of help or relief, and this is what we got. Its DISGUSTING! I HAVE LIVED HERE EIGHT WHOLE YEARS. spent over one hundred thousand myself living here over the years and this is the LOYALTY WE GET???? I AM BESIDE MYSELF RIGHT NOW. They also REFUSED to correct the FALSIFIED maintenance report about our TWO GAS LEAKS. OH, our water pressure is STILL after 2.5 weeks close to non existent. All we get from the office is: "We're working on it" So we are expected to pay $100 extra that was ADDED MID LEASE for THIS?!!!! This place is a JOKE.