As a relatively new resident living here for over two months now, I am very disappointed to find out AIMCO's lack in RESPECT and CONSIDERATION for the residents in the wake of the recent construction: 1) Inconsiderate and disrespectful construction schedule -The pool renovation and the washer/dryer construction inside the units started nearly at the same time. I am not sure whether AMICO is even aware how inconsiderate this is esp. for some family members. I am a professional working 9-5, but how about staying moms with babies at home? If there was at least a pool opened, they could go and rest at the pool area but the pool won't be ready until the Memorial Day. So inconsiderate! -Personally, I also had to tell my family who originally planned a visit in May not to visit for a while b/c of this undergoing construction at the last minute's notice. 2) Mandatory construction w/o just compensation - The residents received only one week's advance notice before the pool renovation started. I believe I would have been much more annoyed if I had found out this after my family came to visit esp. flying from a foreign country! Please understand that people need some time to schedule and coordinate in advance, Aimco! - As a frequent whirlpool user after work, I am very dissatisfied and I strongly believe that residents deserve some reasonable compensation for this. Pool is a big part of amenities for which the residents pay. Don't try to fool me by saying, "oh you can go to the Palazzo pool instead..." You know it's not equal, please. - Regarding the washer/dryer, I don't want them if it involves following construction esp. inside my bedroom! But,'s mandatory even if you opt out new washer/dryer. For whatever reasons if that's the only way that can be done, DO IT RIGHT. There are many days that I don't see any progress at all but they just knock your door by 8:30 in the morning anyway. I don't know why they need to come in everyday if they are doing nothing! Inspection? How many days do you need for the inspection seriously?? Complete lack of management skill. 3) No shoe cover: I don't know how many times I explicitly stated that I don't want people to come inside my unit with their shoes on esp. inside the bedroom. Every time when I raised this issue (I did at least 4 times whenever I witnessed firsthand), Cherokii (The Resident Relations Manager) assured me that she would make it sure staffs wear shoe protector booties. Guess what? An inspection staff came inside wearing his shoes this morning even when I was at home, which makes me wonder what would happen when I'm not at home. If you don't care about people coming inside your house with dusty shoes, I will respect that. But, you also need to respect the fact that I DO CARE ABOUT IT AND I DON'T LIKE PEOPLE COMING INSIDE WEARING SHOES!! 4) No follow-up: Since Cherokii told me that the construction time for my unit should be def. shorten due to the already built-in new closet for the new washer/dryer, I asked her for the rough timeline and I even e-mailed her specifically explaining that I needed it to coordinate visits from foreign countries. She e-mailed me (after many frustrating correspondents) saying that she would be happily walk in my unit the next day and give me the answer, which was one week ago and never followed-up even after my reminder e-mail. 5) Potential health issue: I start feeling a constriction in my chest this morning when I woke up. I've been sleeping inside the bedroom where all the action is going on. There were big holes on the wall for the first week (Disha at least put some tapes upon them after I asked for it) and the dust and debris right around my bed. It's been very stressful that I had to clean up home twice and sometimes three times the first thing as soon as I came home from work every day. I finally moved the bed outside in the living room this morning with the aid from one of the staff. The reason why I didn't move it earlier is b/c I didn't expect the work would go on more than 2 weeks for my unit and I could not lift the bed by myself. I seriously don't understand why I need to pay while sleeping in the construction site. *I understand that construction/renovation is necessary sometimes, but if you are gonna do it, you'd better DO IT RIGHT!!! Treat the residents as human being not as your moneymaker. (*The star is only for the friendly leasing office staff and EXCELLENT on-site maintenance team.)