Hanna D.

CONSTRUCTION IS A NIGHTMARE. We were completely lied to regarding what would take place. 1. Zip walls to ensure dust doesn't spread? Didn't happen. 2. Professional Cleaners everyday to clean? NOPE 3. Safe environment to be in? If you call breathing in chemicals, dust and being around dangerous machinery safe, then fine?? Seriously, my throat burned for 3 days. Also- its unbelievable they are taking over our homes for 3 weeks (thats 3/4 of the month WE pay rent) making the units unlivable all day WITH NO TYPE OF COMPENSATION AND THEYVE DEMOLISHED OUR POOL! For those of us who have roomates, the 2nd bedroom is now CONSIDERABLY smaller . Who wants to pay this price for that?!?!? DO NOT MOVE HERE!! This company could care less about its residents happiness and well being. I CANNOT WAIT TO MOVE. Oh wait..they changed breaking the lease from 1 month rent to 3 making it IMPOSSIBLE to afford to leave this hellhole. Christy and Krissy have nothing to do with this. This is all AIMCO being complete ASSHOLES.