Rawan H.

6 years at the villas and it's definitely time to go. There are so many problems, it's getting out of hand...the biggest problem is the management, lead by the worst manager out of all the years I've been here, Brandie. Nothing is taken care of- I don't know where to begin...1st she is a phony and sneaky and all the residents complain about how rude she is; she treats the residents like garbage and writes up fake reports against the residents she personally does not like because they complain and have every right to. What are we paying all this money for??? Here's the remedy ...She needs to be fired. Computers ...missing/stolen, never replaced. Wifi...never works, Elevators in building 3, 2 always break down, fire alarms in building 2 always go off at least 2 to 3 times a week at 3, 4 am, water leaks in the garage...never fixed , RATS absolutely everywhere...never taken care of, security is horrible. The list goes on. It's as though she, Brandie, has never had training as a manager- who would place her in that position, she needs to be trained some place else, not at the villas - maybe park Labrea. It's as though they leave all the palazzo leftovers at the villas and the residents all suffer because they probably don't even want to be there and on top of it all, she is incompetent. They don't even make it a fun place to live ...they had a few events that were lame and you can tell they barely tried, why don't they put money to get security cameras or for social events or I don't know ...how about fixing the god damn elevator that always breaks down. Despite all this, I must say, the maintenance staff is very kind and accommodating but Brandie is the worst manager I have ever seen. Can not wait to leave this place and I definitely don't encourage anyone to live here. Aimco needs to start hiring new staff and start caring about their residents or else I know they will loose a lot more people. This place will go down the tubes if all they care about is raiding prices and getting new people in. I know a ton of people moving out and the word will spread my friends , the way aimco treats the residents. I suggest changing fast before getting worse quickly ....au revoir