Daniela S.

Of all of the terrible experiences I have had at the complex this one takes the cake. I've lived hear for nearly a decade and to say that the customer service here has deteriorated year-over-year is an understatement. I just came back from the Clubhouse where customer service (hard to believe she could even be called that) representative Jennifer Molina initiated an altercation with me!! Although I have often found the management generally subpar this exceeds even my worst expectations of their attitude and competence. Her behavior was so unprofessional and out of line that her co-worker came out of the office and looked on in stunned speechless disbelief. To set the stage - I filed a report of vandalism to my apartment door and the hallway outside (mud intentionally smeared all over carpet, mat, etc.) yesterday evening with Villas security at around 9pm. Guard told me that I should expect to hear something from the office in the am regarding the incident. Hours went by with no callback. Finally, I wrote an email specifying the details of the event and other security matters of concern that have plagued the complex over the last few years (random fire drills in the middle of the night, burglaries, stolen mail, homeless people routinely sleeping on the property - the list goes on). Still heard nothing. Finally, I went over the office to pick up a package in the hope that I would be able to speak with the Villas manager - Andrea Salerno. Jennifer (who I didn't recognize by face having only seen her name in emails) seemed to have a surly and curt attitude from jump. I couldn't figure it out - after all, I was only picking up a package - why the 'tude? I asked Andrea's whereabouts - Jennifer told me she had "seen my email" and that Andrea wouldn't be back until Monday !?! I'd think that a sensible person in her position, upon seeing the email, would get off her duff and inspect the situation. After all, they are showing apartments and - call me crazy - but I'd think that you wouldn't want to walk prospective residents through a mud and dog poop smeared hallway to entice them to rent. I went back and told her that the area had not been cleaned (in spite of nearly 24 hours passing). The (normal) response I expected was something like "I'm sorry about that, I'll go take a look and see what can be done." I got even more attitude and downright rudeness - "we don't know who's going to clean that - or even if it will be cleaned - Andrea will have to tell you when she gets back. You'll just have to wait - that will be on Monday." Huh?!? When I expressed concern that the hallway would be left in that state for two more days, I asked why the housekeeping staff (which I regularly see on the premises on Saturdays and Sundays) hadn't been - or couldn't be - called to address the situation. Long story short - among the gems hurled at me in response were that she couldn't "call an imaginary person to clean" and that if I had a problem with it I could just "clean it myself". Mind you, I am paying over $3K a month for this apartment and am a long-standing resident (the longest of all currently occupying the building) - I do not expect to be asked to live in filth or treated with disrespect when I report a matter that should be of obvious concern and requires immediate attention. I certainly don't expect to be demeaned, talked down to and talked over like a child for reporting something that makes VILLAS MANAGEMENT look bad. When I told her it made management and the complex look like crap to be walking potential residents through this kind of mess she said - and I quote - "you'd better watch who you talk to like that." Excuse me? Am I in a luxury apartment building or a ghetto freakin' streetfight?!? This interaction was uncalled for and inappropriate on so many levels. I just wish I'd had the sense to have my camera or audio rolling when it all went down so that I could post it with the disgusting photos. In any event - this is par for the course - but MUCH worse!! I also reported a party with over 50 guests that went on in my building spilling into the common areas with extreme noise until after 2am. When I called the security guard on duty (Joe) he told me that he was "only one person" and "too afraid" to talk to the offending residents. After two calls like this with no abatement of the noise, I called the police ( who also rather astoundedly said "why are you calling us - don't they have security onsite?"). My sentiments exactly, LAPD. Not to mention the fact that it took our friend Ms. Molina over a month to process a lease renewal request and that, two months following repeated requests, she still hadn't gotten around to letting me know when a vacant storage until would be available - I finally just gave up. After all, why should I give this ridiculous complex any more of my money? $3K+ rent is a high price for an almost criminal level of aggression and subpar service! BUYER BEWARE!