This place does not care about its residents at all, more about loud renovations that disrupt the entire building to look good for advertisement, and other forms of making more money. Please do not go here if you are an ArtCenter student, especially. Our schedules are extremely demanding and tiring already, and the loud construction with practically no insulation to mute the noise is exhausting. You can also hear everyone who lives there because on top of no noise insulation the plaza echoes LOUDLY. They have been renovating a pool, in the plaza, for more than a month now M-F 9-5 without breaks (started during our midterm week), when barely anyone had been using the pool anyway because of Covid. Besides the renovations for things that the residents don't even use, they never update things we actually use. The building smells strange because all the hallways are covered in old dirty carpet, old walls, ceilings, floors, windows, doors, etc.