I lived there for 3 1/2 years and I hated every minutes of it. I sincerely don't recommend this place not even to my enemy. So, Please stay away for numerous reasons: 1- The rent keeps on going up every time the lease ends. They know that they got you by the balls. You think you have a good deal but sooner than you expect you will pay a lot of money for this hole. 2- If You live in the last floor, embrace for the storm. You will hear humming of the compressor 24/7. so, I have an advice for you, buy ear plugs and good sleeping pills. 3- You sign up for a gated community, but the front door is always open and anybody can go and out " A GOGO". 4- They hire a manager that you never see and she does not care. 5- Forget about your rent deposit, you will never get anything back, I got back 2.50$ out of 500$ deposit. so, I hope I get you a clear picture of the place. STAY AWAY!!!!!