I have been leasing here since 2006 and saw this property go from ok to now "who cares". I loved the location being close to downtown Pasadena and the apartment having a gym and pool but that being said those are the only positives. I move 3 times while being a tenant there due to noise, and other reasons and it still was not perfect which is why I finally decided to become an owner. When you shell out over $2200 bucks a month for a regular 970 square ft 2 bedroom apartment, regular cheap carpets, old appliances, terrible plumbing, air conditioning/heating vents that have never been cleaned, and noisy common areas like the courtyard, people doing their laundry at 3 in the morning, We have tried to work with management which is offsite so no support if something breaks down at 5 PM on a Friday to 9 AM on a Monday. The maintenance man is great but he has no budget from corporate so everything is repaired as cheap as possible. The apartment manager lady is nice but her hands are tied as well with no support from corporate. The only objective here is to make as much money off of you with little or no investment in the property. In regards to security, there is a Security agency but they never patrol the site and good luck trying to call them. I know as i have been a victim of theft in the underground garage area at least 3 times in 9 years with bikes being stolen, car windows smashed in, and hitches gone. I have had sewer pipes break over my car with liquid pouring onto it. I reported that and was told sorry. If you live on the 3rd floor you can expect your apartment to start shaking when the roof fans turn on, and you have to leave the water running at least 2-4 minutes before getting any hot water. You can expect elevator breakdowns, and garage gates breaking down too in the open position. We should expect better service at the price we are paying but nobody cares. I'm just glad to leave this rental building.