Rich Gopen

Having lived in the same 2-bedroom apartment at Waterford Village for 36 years, we can add some perspective to these reviews. Obviously, if Waterford were as bad as some of these reviewers imply, there's no way we would have stayed all these years. We're sorry that these folks have not been happy here, but we can also say that we have not always been happy with some of our neighbors. (Fortunately, that's not at all the case with our current neighbors.) We like the layout of our apartment, the grassy spaces and nature trail, and the fitness center. The Maintenance Department is very quick to respond to problems, and we have been very happy with the quality of their interior work. On the other hand, there are certainly negatives, some of which have further declined in recent years under the AIMCO management. There are too many speed bumps and road damage needing repair. There is no longer a security service, and where they once actually helped residents clear snow from their cars, two winters ago we were unable for days to get out of the unplowed or poorly plowed parking lots. Some buildings (including ours) have external damage to roofs, doors, stairs, lamps, and walkways - some of which are safety hazards - that have needed repair for many months. Buildings are not handicap-accessible. Though the pool and clubhouse are in good shape, the tennis courts are practically unplayable. Under AIMCO, the system for rent collection and other communications with management has become increasingly computer-based and depersonalized. We and many of our neighbors find this insulting. In our case, for example, we have had the humiliating experience of receiving multiple eviction notices left on our door due to "non-payment of rent" when the problem was with the faulty automated rent collection system and not our negligence at all. While a simple phone (or even email) conversation would have resolved the issue, AIMCO's response was to nuke us and ask questions later. And this actually happened two years in a row, and would have happened again had we not taken "pre-emptive measures." The most recent insult to residents was management's letter informing us, "in an effort to provide you with the best customer service experience," they are no longer accepting USPS, UPS, Fedex or other packages, which had been one of the few real conveniences that they had provided. Now we're wondering what will be the next measure to "improve customer service," closing the pool to protect us from drowning? Cancelling snow plowing in an effort to keep us from getting lazy and out of shape? So while we continue to pay more each year for less in return, we continue to sign lease after lease. Maybe this is just a commentary on life in the USA. Certainly if you can find a better place to live in this area at a better price, go for it. Though we continue to shop around casually, we keep signing these leases. Whether that says more about Waterford or us, we don't know, but three stars still isn't bad.