Ryan Hodges

The worst apt I have have ever lived at. Way over priced for the quality. Crapy paint job on the walls. Been here less then a year and the edges of the carpet have already started to peel up. when out dishwasher broke two months went by while they were waiting for a part to come in. When I called to ask about it I find out that the part was never ordered, when I asked why nothing was ordered he claimed to not remember coming to look at our dishwasher. This place place is awful, I wouldn't ever tell anyone to rent here. The amount of bugs (spiders,ants,flys) that I have had in my short time here is gross. And they have a huge stray cat issuse. And with all this they want to up my rent for this crappy 2-bedroom to over 1,500 dollars plus up the renters insurence (that they force you to get to move in) if your reading this don't ever move here. You will regret it.