Johnny K.

I am beyond thrilled I'm leaving this place in my past. There is a severe lack of communication in this entire community. There will be "emergencies" where water or electricity will be completely shut off and you are never given notice. When this happened I was informed I needed to leave my home and go up to the club house and shower in the gyms public shower. If you live on the first floor, I feel sorry for you. The problems with pests in the summer is almost unbearable. You will hear your neighbors stomping around and yelling at their children at all times of day and night. I was promised a "non smoking community" and I had to be evacuated multiple times in the beginning of my lease due to the fire alarms going off from people smoking in their homes. On top of my own apartment needing an inspection for cigarette/marijuana smoke when I was one of the people to submit a complaint about the smell. I have even received calls and complaints about my own unit smelling like smoke without any type of Inspection taking place and being threatened with a 250 dollar fine. I am a younger person living in a building of older people and families and I personally feel like I have been targeted due to my age. Keep in mind, any "random inspection" or "fire alarm inspection" was done with almost less than 24 hours notice. So if you wanted to be there while strangers were in your home they made it almost impossible. My car was damaged in my premier parking spot, and I was given no solution other than "we will have maintenance patrol your parking lot." Let it be known I never saw that happen once. The streets and parking lots are probably some of the most poorly maintained things I have ever seen. There are speed bumps that have been taken out by snow plows over a year ago, and giant potholes everywhere. The cost of laundry was raised with very short notice. Which when we signed the lease they gave us no information about those costs potentially rising. They shouldn't have risen considering the lack of cleanliness. I had to give the leasing office my license as collateral once to get a key for another building to bring my laundry somewhere else to clean it. I had my bathroom vanity damaged due to water leaking over 6 months ago with the promise of a new one that was never replaced by the end of my lease. My air conditioners were never covered for the winter and there is now water damage on the interior of the apartment, as well as a severe draft at all times. You don't get to see the filth and beer cans that college residents leave wherever they please. The management of this establishment do a good job at hiding how awful of a place this is to live. The other dog owners of this community leave their pets filth without picking it up, and the dog park is no exception. People allow their animals to walk off leash outside of the park. I have even had residents tell me their dogs have been attacked by off leash animals that don't meet the breed restrictions of the community. Then when you tell the leasing office about said animal they say "well we don't have proof that animal belongs to one of our residents." When you see them almost every night. People abandon their cats when they move so their are stray cats everywhere. The moving process is unnecessary. There is an exit inspection that takes place before you leave, which is understandable. However, there is then an additional exit inspection that needs to take place when you have vacated the unit. Where the maintenance office was a half hour late for, leaving my partner almost late for work. EveryI would have even possibly considered renewing my lease I have worked with Britney and Rachel, who are both constantly in a foul mood whenever you have a question or a concern. If you don't like residents coming to you to fix the problems they are having with their living situation you should either fix the problem, or look for a new line of work. The one person I did work with through the move in process who really does deserve an honorable mention is Anita. She was the only person in the leasing office who was kind, and always greeted you with a smile. At the end of it all, steer clear of Waterford. It's not worth your money. If you want to live in the ghetto, spend half the money and move to Brockton. UPDATE: my partner was contacted by a member of the leasing office. I was not contacted at all. The email realistically only addressed one issue, and then said they wished we had addressed these issues when we lived there. When I in fact addressed several issues regarding my car being damaged, the pot holes, and the smoking with Britney, and my damaged vanity with maintenance. Just goes to show you when you actually complain about something in this community, they don't keep track of it.