June H.

Completely DIGUSTED with Waterford Village Apartments ! I just moved out yesterday and I SCRUBBED the place for 2 days and when I have my final walk through I was told that I may get charged for the rug ( $950 ) because there was a darker area where there is a high traffic area coming in the door and where people had their feet when sitting on the couch for almost 2 years. The man gave me another chance to scrub it. My neighbor and I scrubbed (after I cried ) and took pics . I got witnesses to look at it and took pics and today I am told they are keeping my security deposit and I am getting a bill for $200. Here is the kicker. They are pulled the rug up today anyway (which was planned anyway ) to put new floors in because they are no longer doing rugs!! I told the guy at the walk through I knew they are pulling the rugs up anyway so why am I being charged ??? He said it doesn't matter . Really?? Today we got them on video taking my rug out and putting in a van and going to dump it ! The day after I scrubbed it !! I also have dealt with SMOKING in their NON SMOKING apartments. I have asthma and had to use inhalers and was not able to sleep in MY bedroom in MY apartment that I paid almost $1900 for because a the lady under me and another neighbor smoked and I got it im my apartment. (Especially in the winter time when windows are closed. ) Other neighbors had same complaints on my side of the building and the other side . We would talk about it in the laundy room . Which brings me to the washer and dryers ALWAYS breaking . There are 2 washers and 3 dryers . My ac wasnt working right . It was freezing up and icing in July (hot days ) and I put in a request and I am told they dont have any in stock right now so just let it thaw for a couple hours and turn it back on. REALLY ?? In the heat ?? They couldn't get one from an empty apartment?? Issues with riff raff /drugs ,my cars were broken into . Fights breaking out with drunk people . Was talking to manager about it last year because I told him I was afraid someone would get hurt. I said maybe you should see if the police will drive through at night and keep an eye on things. I was so scared someone would be beat up bad. Nothing happened. Found used condoms laying around walking my dogs . Some people dont pick up their dogs poop. Snack machine in main building smashed and someone stole the money. $1900 a month and this is what we dealt with. Now they want to charge me for a rug they just through away ! Does this look like $950 in damage where you come in the door ??