Chelsie H.

Ohhhh Waterford...Waterford, Waterford, Waterford. Where do I begin. My first apartment, nestled on the back hill of the complex, it was the best of times and the worst of times. Small but cozy apartments, great appliances and a 70s-ish theme in the hallways, Waterford was my little castle, hidden from the world. BSU students at the university literally across the street from the complex are not allowed to live there, so the main demographic was families with children and young adults, very quiet and unobtrusive. VERY quiet. I don't think I ever laid eyes on the neighbor in the apartment directly opposite mine. Laundry is a pain in the arse, necessitating a walk up to the club house to top up my charlie card-like laundry card. Also, living on the top floor, it gets H-O-T up in thurr. The maintenance man advised me that the buildings are super insulated, so it stays toasty warm in winter, AND in summer. I don't think I was ever once cold, even when we lost power during a blizzard. All in all, Waterford is a wonderful choice for a first apartment, or for the single 20-something. Quiet, quiant, and close to everything worth going to in Bridgewater. Knocking off a star though for the militant 'security guard' at the front gate who insists on knowing your FULL name, the name of the person you are visiting at Waterford, and their apartment building and number. I found it very intrusive.