Mike M.

Waterford Village is the quintessential "first apartment" complex that provides those wonderful memories and stories you can tell your grand kids by the fireplace some day, except that the memories made you want to bash your head against a wall and ask, "What was I thinking?" I cannot begin to express my mild disdain for this place. Firstly, in response to the previous reviewer, unless their policies had changed, BSU students were all over the place. I lived with my girlfriend at Waterford and she was a student at BSU. We had neighbors living below us who must have been students also because they would blast Rihanna and Katy Perry loudly late every Wednesday night (what happened to thirsty Thursday?) while hosting what were definitely college parties. The "security guard" was a person who sat inside his SUV by the entrance to the complex every night and let it be known we have noticed him watching videos on a tablet computer on more than one occasion. There was no security guard during the day, ever. The interior hallway/stairways of the building itself was awful 70s décor. The wallpaper was peeling off, there was a broken window in the stairwell that wasn't repaired for over two months (during the winter), the carpet was emerald green right out of the land of Wizard of Oz. The apartment space itself was not bad, I must say. For the price we paid (we paid a 15 month reduced rate) we had a decent amount of living space. Too bad that can't take away from the fact that we had bugs in our kitchen cabinets since day one of moving in. The bathroom was in tough shape when we moved in as well. You know your neighbor's shower schedule as the waterworks sounded like something out of a Water Country ride. The most annoying thing of all - the paint layers on every door made it near impossible to close each door without having to press extremely hard. The kitchen closet/pantry door was impressively closed almost permanently because of the layers of paint smudged on the door and door frame. Upon leaving Waterford, the cleaning and damage charges were ludicrous as everything was scrubbed clean. They even offered to have the carpet cleaned with "their professional connections" at a "reduced rate" with a carpet cleaner. Let's put it this way, you are better off getting them cleaned professionally yourself and providing a receipt to Waterford than getting charged by them. Another point to reference the previous reviewer, I ended up not even using the laundry machines as they SUCKED. I used the Laundromat down the street by Walgreens. It is way too much of an inconvenience to have to go to the leasing office to refill a laundry card that doesn't even work properly on the machines themselves. It is also an inconvenience to have to pick up every single package we receive from Amazon or wherever else UPS or Fedex delivers for. The pool and gym are nice, the leasing office staff are great, as well as the overall location (close to BSU and commuter rail), but honestly that won't even get this place two stars for all the headaches and anxiety this place has caused. I would most definitely recommend looking elsewhere to live as I would not be caught dead wanting to live here again. As for the grandkids, I'm sure they will enjoy my tales of misery as a young professional living in my "first apartment."